BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. This term is an extension of the acronym POC which stands for people of color. The term BIPOC is an inclusive acronym that allows for a broader discussion of topics related to race and ethnicity.
Beyond Diversity:
Examining the Unique Challenges Faced by BIPOC
- Mass incarceration, police violence, inadequate representation within the media, medical professionals making assumptions based on race/ethnicity, housing, healthcare and education disparities.
- Racial discrimination
- Higher rates of PTSD
- Cultural and language barriers/stigmas
- Less likely to seek mental health care
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Untangling Inequalities:
BIPOC Mental Health and Access to Care
Research has shown that racism changes the way our brains respond to threats in the same way that other traumatic events do.
Research done by SAMHSA states that BIPOC individuals are less likely to seek mental health care specifically due to lack of insurance, service cost, persistent and systemic social inequalities and discrimination.
As a result of these statistics there is significant data that indicates that health inequalities in the US result in shorter average length of life, quality of life rates of disability, severity of illness and overall access to treatment.
The Journey Staff Difference
Journeys staff is diverse and reflective of the environment we serve. Our clinicians range in age, gender, race and ethnicity to provide holistic care. Our diverse staff is consistently seeking new ways to provide safe community gathering spaces, community resources and quality mental health care.

Discover Journey Healing Together
Journey: Healing Together is a non-profit offering healing spaces to New Majority communities. Providing opportunities for diverse groups to gather, heal, restore, discover, and rebuild. Find out how to get involved and #JoinTheJourney!